Thursday, 5 September 2013

Depth of Field

Please view the above link. After reading the entire thing (for about 5 min), work with your group to identify how will you apply depth of field concepts to your commercial work. Each person will provide 2 examples of how you will use DOF in your work on this first project.

If you do not understand the concept, or how to achieve the look, SEE ME!


  1. In our commercial we will use depth of field in the drive by scene as well as the demonstration. We will utilize this technique to prevent viewers from getting distracted by the background and focus on the point we are trying to make in each scene.

  2. In our commercial, we will use depth of field to point out the main ideas of the commercial. This also allows to focus in on the product, and take out anything distracting in the background. This will allow us to make the commercial more focused and precise.

  3. In our commercial, We can use depth of field in our drive by scene. We can make the audience focus on the car and the driver and not the background. Another scene in which we can use depth of field is when the main character is promoting the product.

  4. We will use depth of field mostly to create a sense of comedy in our commercial. By blurring and becoming crisp at certain times, we will be able to create a feeling of ease, and then of, 'ah, I see what you did there!'.

  5. In our commercial, we will use depth of field to really focus the audience's attention on the product being advertised. This will make it obvious of what our product looks like and how it is used. Then, when the background becomes unblurred and the product is blurred, we will show a very satisfied customer smiling for maximum effect.
