Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Gump Reflections

As students of media, language and history, please reflect on the following questions in a google doc and share with me at shsmap2013@gmail.com.

This should be at least a 2 page response.

  1. What can you learn from Forrest Gump about the relationship between history and story in this stellar movie?
  2. This movie has some interesting symbolism? What might the box of chocolates represent, or the feather, or the people sitting with him at the bus stop? Can you think of other symbolism in the movie?
  3. What do you think the production crew responsible for filming the movie had to take into consideration during the shoot in particular for the scenes involving Lt. Dan without legs, Forrest meeting Pres. Kennedy, and Forrest on the Dick Cavett show with John Lennon?
  4. What can you learn about camera movement, angle and depth of field from the movie?
  5. What challenges would you have if you had to shoot an actor over green screen to composite into historical footage for use in your movie? What might be the steps? (take an educated guess).
  6. What are the emotional highs and lows of the movie?  (name at least 3). 
  7. Do you think this movie script followed a 3 act structure, or does the script break the 3 act structure? If it breaks the rule, what then is the structure of the script?
  8. Why does the audience stay with this movie? What about it hooks the viewer and keeps the viewer tuned in wanting more?

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