Sunday, 9 March 2014

Final Project Preparation

Please take the time-management quiz linked here.
Score yourself. Analyze the results. What did you learn? Share your learning with a neighbor.

Please download and complete the attached paper.-completed


Techhive-excellent overview article - focus on using DSLR cameras for video
Nikon Cinema-another excellent article, focus on Nikon HD-SLR
Recommended Cameras (DLSR) for video
Digital Camera World-Good article, also points to the challenges of using a DSLR in terms of focus, audio and more


  1. Replies
    1. I learned that i need to work on all areas to improve my time management

  2. I scored a 56, they said i have good time management skills. i think i do as well i only answered the skill evaluation sheet as having a need to improve time management because everything else was way too vague,

  3. Mostly i am doing well with the time i am given. The most important thing for me is making a plan before and writing down how long it would take and then arrange it from there. I should always try and leave some room for something that could go wrong or for distractions.

  4. The score I got was 56. I learned that I am managing my time very well, but I can improve on not getting distracted by other things, and focus more on the main project.

  5. 46. I learned that there are a lot more components that go into time management than i thought. I also learned some techniques for time management through the questions asked in the survey. The key components of time management are planning, goal setting, and leaving time for unexpected problems.

  6. I got a 46 out of 75 and apparently I'm "managing [my] time very effectively!", however the only thing I still really need to improve on is my procrastination.

  7. 51. Generally, these quizzes are extremely inaccurate, and don't tell us a lot about ourselves. I don't think that half the things that it told me I do wrong, I actually do wrong.

  8. I learned that I have okay time management, and that I still have some improvement to make in order to truly manage my time well. Most of the skills that make up time management are rated as three stars out of five, and I scored a 45 overall.

  9. 54... I learned that a key aspect of time management is time contingency and it's really important to take into account what hasn't happened yet just in case. And if nothing goes wrong, or less than you expected, you can finish the project early.

  10. I learned that I kind of lack into the prioritization and procastination areas of time-management. The Key components of Time- Management to me are Prioritization and Goal Setting. To me, those components really set a good project apart from a bad project. Those tools say what's important and what's needs to be done in the most efficient time possible. If people don't have these components then I dont think a good result will come out.

  11. 1) What I learned about myself:
    That I'm doing an ok job with prioritizing tasks in work and also in terms of staying focused and not procrastinating, but there is still quite a bit that I can be doing to improve on how I manage my time.

    2) Key Components of Time Management:
    -Goal Setting
    -Minimizing Interrupted time
    -Minimizing Procrastination
    -Planning ahead

  12. I learned that I am good at some aspects of time management and not so good at others. I think that what I really need to work on is goal-setting, because I do not do this currently. The website showed the effectiveness of goal-setting and how it can improve time-management. It showed how setting aside time now can save tons of time later. I think that I also need to work on my procrastination. Sometimes I put stuff off till later and I think I need to realize that the sooner you get things done, the more stuff you can finish up at a time. I think these two areas are the areas in which I need to work a lot harder and focus more on. These components as well as scheduling and managing distractions are the key parts of time management. If you can conquer all of these, then you can accomplish so much more in as little time as possible.

  13. 37.
    You're good at some things, but there's room for improvement elsewhere. Focus on the serious issues below, and you'll most likely find that work becomes much less stressful.

  14. I think if I focus more on creating scheduled goals and not procrastinating, i'll be okay. I really need to motivate myself to be efficient, so projects don't begin to feel longer and harder than they need to be.

  15. My score was 48. I know that I am good at managing time but I have trouble focusing with distractions present. I need to improve on being able to work while others are talking or just not pulling out my phone during homework. The key aspects of time management are: Goal Setting, Prioritization, Minimizing Interrupted time, Minimizing Procrastination, Planning ahead

  16. 43 / 75
    It said I was good at procrastinating and ironically priorities. It said I really need to work on goal setting. I think this was very accurate, both to what I am like and what I should work on. Goals has always been something I think would help me, but also something that I need to work on setting. To be a good worker, you have to be a hard worker all the way through, not just at the end as I am.

  17. 35
    I think I need to learn to prioritize and to not get distracted, I will improve significantly if I do so.

  18. 1) I learned that my biggest problems were making lists and setting goals. I need to start setting a priority list with goals that I need to achieve during this project. Doing this will help me and my group to better use our allotted time and get our project done better and faster. Overall, I need to have a schedule of when things need to be done and how. In that schedule I should list my tasks from least to most important and get the most important ones done. I also need to set goals for myself, so that I have something to work towards while doing the project.

    2) The most important time management skills to me are Procrastinating (not doing it), Managing Interruptions, Prioritizing, and Scheduling. All of these skills will help the person to not become distracted from the project, and to have an organized schedule of important things that need to be done.

  19. 46. I learned that time management has many different aspects beyond just considering the amount of time available. It includes prioritizing and and setting specific goals for completion. I need to have better scheduling in order to reach time requirements.

  20. 43
    Im a very stressed person when it comes to deadlines and I let distractions distract me from whats important. I need to stop using media as a distraction

  21. I learned that I am good at organizing and setting aside time allocated for work. However, I need to improve on not letting distractions and unexpected events interfere with my work. I also get stressed by deadlines too much, so executing my time management plans should be improved upon. I also learned that better communication with my group helped the project a lot.
    Key components of time management: Set goals, no procrastination, prioritize, organize, prepare in advance.

  22. 57
    I learned that i get a little distracted at times, but I always have enough time to get my projects done, and have time to fix any problems. Also I have learned that I need to priorities my to do list in case of not having enough time, so I would have something to submit.

  23. 56 I am for the most part very good at time management, however I need to work harder to overcome distractions, and procrastinate less. I am very good at keeping on a schedule, but I often leave work to the last minute possible. To improve on this I need to be able to set better goals, and follow them more closely.

  24. 45.
    I am good at planning out my time and prioritizing things. I need to improve on my time management skills and by inability to concentrate. I am easily distracted, so separating myself from distractions should help a lot with that. I need to stop procrastinating as much, and start getting my work done efficiently.

  25. I learned that I've been doing a decent job in all aspects but there is still an equal amount of room for improvement for scheduling, prioritization, and goal setting.

  26. 57, I learned that I am good at organizing my work and setting aside distractions. I am also good at executing projects on time and I work well to overcome obstacles that come in my path. I also learned that I work well in communicating with my group members and I tend to analysis the instructions of the project before tackling it. Some key components of time managements are to set goals, no procrastination, prioritize, organize, and prepare my work in advance.

  27. I received a score of 59. I have learned that I am a strong prioritizer and that I do well with speaking with the group. But the tough part of time management is making sure everyone gets their part completed and we leave contingency time so we have time to fix all the necessary problems. The most important key components of time management for me are goal setting, prioritization, managing interruptions and procrastination. If a group can do all of these, the project will be successful. Goal setting will help decide what is important and needs to be completed in what order and it goes along with prioritization. If a group can limit interruptions the procrastination would not be a problem.

  28. 1. I got a 41. I am very stressed about deadlines, and I should prioritize and plan more. I need to write my schedule down to actually get things done during the day and not be distracted by going online. I also learned that I need to set specific goals to know what activities I should prioritize on.
    2. The key components of time management are prioritizing, writing down tasks and goals, and not letting in interruptions.

  29. 51
    My biggest problem is setting goals and making lists about those goals. I need to make a list of priorities for myself so I can manage my time better.
    The most important time managing skill is not procrastinating. If everyone waits to do their work until the end then the project wont be finished. When people are focussed on the task and don't wait until the last minute the project is done efficiently and on time.

  30. I learned that Noah is a good organizer, and that I need to plan more in advance to reach my goals. I also need to improve upon not letting distractions distract me . The key components of Time Management are working in block periods uninterrupted, and planning on the time to get there, the time it takes before you actually start to get the hw.

  31. I learned that I prioritize well but I need to input those priorities when it comes to getting easily distracted. I also learned that I often procrastinate and I fall behind the deadline often. I learned that I put myself in a distracting environment. I can fix this by isolating myself to a more productive and quiet area while i am working.

  32. 58

    I learned that I am able to effectively create a plan in the allotted time period, but I am not as good at dealing with changes in the schedule. I like to stick to a meticulously organized schedule rather than constantly switch it around. Also, I learned that I don't procrastinate often; I would rather finish all my tasks immediately so that I don't have to do them all later.

  33. 56, I did not really learn anything about myself in taking this quiz. I already knew how well I work in a day to day basis regarding time management. The moment I get home, I finish my homework before I start playing computer games, because I cant start my online warthunder adventures without knowing that the important stuff is already done. In terms of distractions, I cannot concentrate on what I am doing when others are pestering me, I have noticed that a 15 min assignment may take up to 1.5 hours because of simple distractions, like music, or my sister being evil. I usually make a list of the stuff I need to finish before I start extracurricular activities, like Civilization. Im not bad at time management per say, but under a large amount of pressure, it might become a problem.

  34. I scored a 59 on the test and got pretty good scores in most of the categories. The biggest problem that I have run in with is procrastination. I have a multitude of activities to prepare for; I usually have to balance out what I am going to do during the night and what I am going to do in the morning. I think if I am able to schedule my work in more bite size chunks, I would be able to severely limit my procrastination. For prioritization I need to coordinate what is of the most importance to finish.

  35. 41. I learned that i need to improve on the more serious issues and that i should make a list of the things that are the most important and that i should work on next. Stress takes a big part of my work and makes me work slower and a lot less inefficient. I also need to learn how to manage my time better.

  36. 52. I think that there are some aspects of time management that can be improved like planning ahead or being conscious of deadline dates.

  37. 36!
    I learned that I need to get better with my procrastination by acknowledging that I procrastinate and trying to change it. Other areas for improvement are learning to manage and minimize distractions as well as scheduling my different events, prioritizing my time, and setting goals to manage my time more efficiently.

  38. 35. I learned that I have done a pretty good job with prioritizing, but I still have room for improvement. I need to do better with managing interpretations, not procrastinating, and scheduling.

  39. 44. I am good at managing interruptions. I learned that I need to set my goal to manage time effectively.

  40. 47. I learned that what im really lacking on is priority, procrastination and really going the extra step on organizing. I do a list of things to do, but i need to start thinking about how much time each task is going to take, and organize a quota of stuff to do each day.I need to work on procrastination, i need to learn to do better with starting/finishing things as fast as possible.

  41. 41. I learned that i am good with prioritizing my goals but i struggle greatly with procrastination and managing my interruptions.

  42. 48. I have done a good job of goal setting and understanding what I need to accomplish. My problems come from procrastination and as a result prioritization. I could also use work on managing interruptions and making sure they don't derail my flow. These are all big components of time management and if I can improve in these areas we will produce some great work.

  43. 41 . Regarding time management, I really need to improve scheduling. While I often have goals set up in mind, I don't have a specific time period don't try to anticipate the time it will take to complete a project.Not anticipating obstructions, I take much larger time than planned, leading to less sleep and ultimately procrastination. Also, I often have problems with procrastination because I sometimes feel like I need to be in a focused mood to do a subject.

  44. I learned that I'm fantastic at procrastinating and good at planning (42)
