Monday 12 May 2014

Portfolio and Individual Goals

It is that time of the year to take stock in your work, this year, last year and also your Freshman year.

Respond to this blogspot with the following ideas:

  1. Do you have a resume or bio you could include in a portfolio website?
  2. Given that colleges normally look for 10-15 solid pieces of work in a portfolio, what media arts pieces have you created in MAP (or outside) would you feature (Make a list). Note what kind of files they are (are they images, movies, 2d, 3d or stop motion animation, photos, designs/logos/visuals, etc).
  3. Write a short 1 paragraph (5-6 sentence) artist statement. An artist statement is a brief description of your goals, interests and achievements as an artist, and normally points to work in progress that support your interests. For example, you could say you are a filmmaker that enjoys working with fictional narrative and write about that. For now, this can be in draft format, and included in the blog.
  4. Now that you have some ideas together, open Google drive. Look at the available apps and see 'google sites'. This week you will explore making a portfolio website using Google sites. 
  5. Following your portfolio development, you will look at connecting to your portfolio using Linkedin.


Start to think about your goals moving forward. Next week, when you have completed your portfolio and linked it to Linkedin, you will be given 2 final class weeks for planning your next media arts steps.  This will include making a short video note to next year's MAP teachers, and creating some possible outline ideas for summer media projects of your own ambition, and possible themes for next year's work.


  1. 1.yea portfolio is for architecture, it has close to 20 pieces of work in it.
    3. I am an unlicensed amateur architect who is interested in ultra modern design who is an avid guitar player. playing guitar for 7 years. interested in architecture my whole life. travel abroad frequently, influenced by the architecture of the world.

  2. 1. Yes I do but it cold use a little more work.
    2. Honestly I don't really have anything worth showing.
    3. I don't actually want to be an artist.

  3. 1) I do have a resume that I can use in my portfolio. I have been working on it since sophomore year.
    2) I think that I could use some of my sophomore year pieces for this as well as the film I made about MAP for the White House Film Festival. Most of these are videos because I'm more of a director than an animator or a graphic designer. However, I don't think that I have 10-15 quality pieces to actually put in just because I haven't had a whole lot of time to create this material.
    3) Stephen Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock aren't just amazing directors; they are my idols. For the past 4 years, I have strived to continue my directing career. I have been nominated for several awards at SMASH'N for my films, which usually deal with conflicts and inner struggles. I enjoy creating films that send powerful messages to the audience. I hope to continue this career thorughout my adventures in college and onwards.

  4. 1) no i dont unless you consider the one we made for multi media last year.
    2) no clue...there are not a lot of them that i have really really liked that i would say are solid for colleges , they all need some editing.
    3) What i want to do is basically make a really good film that would draw the audiences attention and make a change. Something that can last, i dont know how long it will take me but i really want to just focus on that. Taking an actual event and putting it into a film and show people what they dont know and how they can change it. Like the documentary but something much much better.

  5. 1. No I do not have a resume or bio that I could include in a portfolio website.
    2. I would list my documentary from this year and part of my final film project to submit into my college portfolio.
    3. I am a filmmaker who enjoys making fictional stories with a small amount of characters and a big story to go with it. I want to make it to film school and look at my options in the filming industry to see what fits me best. The main thing I want to achieve is making it there first, and then moving on from that. I want to improve my filmmaking skills at school and make more inspiring films. Being and working in the film business is somewhere where I want to be in the future.

  6. 1.Not really
    2. Pictures, photoshop, soldiers at the front.
    3. I'd like to get better at Photoshop and taking pictures. During media arts class I can start stating I like to do Photoshop and work on backgrounds. Just like how I did for the music video, I worked on the backgrounds.

  7. i do not have a resume as of now. i would like to include some of my documentaries or the poetry project i did. i believe they are the best two out of all the projects i've done all year.

    artist statement;
    All of my works are inspired by the world of trying new things. It's kind of a goodie box with a mix of everything. However, they all touch on the topic of sentimentality. I would like to touch those who watch my films to actually have a different kind of reaction. Everyday i'm startled by the new techniques i've learned throughout the process and I plan to continue what ive learned in my future works.

  8. 1) No I do not.
    2) I don't have anything to show really.
    3) I am an aspiring writer who is interested in both screenwriting and novel-writing and have also played the violin for a little over 7 years. I've loved reading and writing for most of my life, and travel abroad most summers with my family. I am influenced by the books I read.

  9. 1. I do not have a tangible resume I could include in a portfolio for a website... yet!

    2. The Wondo Bag commercial, 22 page Shot Sheet for Music Video, Music Video, Sarah Kay Poem Music Video, Homeless Documentary

    3. My goal is to create deep reaching and extremely captivating films whether fictional or real life. I have been able to create a great documentary as well as a music video for a poem along with a fictional film. I am interested in documentaries, real life films, along with fictional animations!

    4. ok

    5. ok

  10. 1. No
    2. Some of my pieces that i would include would be some of my freshman year animations that i created. I would also include some of the films that I created this year. Some non-MAP items i would include would be my community service hours and my personal achievements throughout my life.
    3. I am a big basketball fan but don't watch the games. I enjoy learning the business behind what happens on the court. Everything from how the players are paid to new developments in a new stadium. I enjoy following different teams and seeing how each team differs when it comes from to their front offices.

  11. 1) yes.
    2) food stamp documentary, american story project, steve jobs bio, music video, photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, internship documentary, internship documentary 2, shirt designs - rvl
    3) I am a visual artist who enjoys working with all forms of media, but with a specific interest in photography and cinematography. I have an interest in everything from the process of planning such as scripting to post-production, in editing and special effects. However, what is most intriguing to me is light, and human interactions to capture it in various forms, more commonly known as photography. This extends to video as well, and I really like cinematography.
    4) i already have a portfolio site

  12. 1. I do not have a resume as of now, but I could write a bio to include in a portfolio website.
    2. During sophomore year, two of the more memorable projects for me was documentary and the WW1 animation. This year had a lot of fun projects that I enjoyed doing, such as being part of the post-production of the class music video, making the documentary on local poverty, the short movie of the poet, and most recently the American Story movie. Most of them are movies, but I do enjoy working with and learning about other programs, such as animation.
    3. I want to be able to work with a lot of different programs, but I really enjoy working with video. Working with fictional narrative is the most interesting for me as watching a story on paper come to life is a really amazing experience. Making a fictional story become reality is one of my goals and interests, and working on the American Story film has really fueled my interest. I have worked with non-fiction films as well, working on documentaries on local problems, such as poverty this year, and bullying last year. Making movies that have an impact is my main goal, and I have a lot of fun making them.

  13. 1. Yes, I have a resume/bio that I can post on a portfolio website. It would be a collection of accomplishments throughout my high school career.
    2. The Vietnam film and the Documentary on Poverty are two of the highlight pieces in the portfolio. However, I would also include works like my "Romeo and Juliet" video that I created freshmen year to show the contrast between the work I used to create and the work I create now. I would include my senior project that will be a film that will be finished by the end of next year. During Media Arts, I created digital photography and interactive animation.
    3. I am a filmmaker and writer interested in creating fictional narratives that affect the audience instead of just being viewed by the audience. I have worked on several projects including a fictional historical film, and a research documentary on poverty. I love to write scripts that are different from other films in that the ideas are fresh. Filming movies is a hobby and passion for me, and I love the production process.

  14. 1). No I do not at the moment.
    2). Nam,Ordentlich,Innovators project, and more things to come.
    3). When you start working on a project, you better love what you are doing. You need to want to meet your goal not need too. If you don't work with a passion for what you are doing, you will never be working at your best.

  15. 1) Last year we created a sort of “resume” type thing that I could add onto with what I have done since then
    2) So far I have:
    About 6 Blender renders from current animation (so far)
    The Wild West Info Graphic
    The Valley Between, Vietnam video
    Sketches from animation planning (about 5)
    Robot model
    3) I am interested in the field of Graphic Design and Animation. I have had previous work, mostly in Adobe Flash, however some work in both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Currently I am doing quite a bit of work with 3D modeling and animation in Blender 3D. I am working on a 3D animation currently and hope for it to be done later this month.

  16. 1.) No
    2.) Some images / photos, some games, 2d animations, and a few cool logos
    3.) The art that I want to accomplish doesn't rely much on drawing or image creation but to link things together to make two things the are great into something awesome. If that's taking existing images and Photoshopping it or getting graphics and making it into an animation or game, it's all something I want to do. I feel like I'm not skilled enough to make a full production by myself but I would love to work with others to make something awesome.

  17. 1. yes I have a resume
    2. I would use the script for American Story, maybe some stuff from sophomore year, and maybe stuff from outside of school
    3. I have a broad range of interests extending beyond the field of media. I hope to use my background in media to connect with other fields.

  18. 1. I do not yet have a bio, but I could easily write one. I haven’t given my filming resumé much thought, but I certainly could put a list of theatre productions I have participated in on the website if that would be beneficial.
    2. ~Our animation from this year, ~The documentary, where we worked on audio, ~Maybe a couple of the scripts from this year, I’m not too sure about what I’ve already made, but I certainly have some ideas of what to do that I could later put on.
    3. I am a writer, filmmaker, and team member. I love helping out friends and peers whenever they have a great idea. It’s good enough for me to just have my name on the project as a minor role when it’s about working on a great project. I also enjoy working on something I’ve written myself, and my wide variety of scripting and writing experiences help on everything I do.

  19. 1. I have a resume for applying summer camps, but not yet for film. Working on it.

    2. The Poetry Project, Homelessness Documentary, Angel Island Photography Assignment, various storyboards

    3. My name is Sydney, and I am painfully right brained. It's only when I'm creating something out of my mind and with with my hands that I feel the most content. This year in film, I've enjoyed creating artistic stories and overseeing their execution, fixed on message and creative dynamics of a story. I want to learn more by doing as I make more short films over the summer and build a photography compilation. I also love working with people and philanthropy and would love to aim for a degree that integrates art with communication of human ideas and helping people.

  20. Alex Hansen

    1) Yes, I have a rough draft resume that I will be completely soon that could be used in my portfolio.
    2) Nam
    Wild West InfoGraphic
    Art Work-4 Square Painting, Crayon Shading Drawing, Arabesque
    Video Game from Sophomore Year
    3) In my pursuit of a creative arts career, I would enjoy working in the field of fictional films. I was not truly aware of my love for creating films until I, and a few other classmates, created a film that we were truly proud of-the Valley Between. During this project, we realized how we enjoyed the prospect of creating a film entirely from our own ideas, and being able to impress others who watched it. I also have always enjoyed working on a team, so I believe the studio is a good place for me to work.

  21. 1. no
    2. I would use some films from last year and the documentary from this year as well as the american story
    3. In flimmaking, I like to focus on the acting aspect along with costume and set design. These are so very important to the overall purpose of the film. I have been involved in drama which helped me in the acting part as well as the costume and set designing. I designed costumes and multiple sets for a hypothetical play on Cyrano deBergerac and costumes for films this year in filmmaking.

  22. 1. Yes, I have a resume.

    2. I could use a few things I have made to put in a portfolio. I could use our Vietnam and Ordentlich videos, the website we made, a game I have created (and hopefully others I will work on over summer), our sophomore year war animation, the app Saha and I are working on, and maybe I'd even code the website that holds my portfolio.

    3. I am a Saratoga High School student, in the media arts program, interested in computer programming and video game design. I am in the process of gathering the skills required of a programmer and hope to attend a college that has the resources to teach me the next steps in my career.

  23. 1. Yes, I have a resume
    2. I could use a few things I have made to put in the portfolio, including some videos from the beginning of the year, I have some projects over the summer that I can include, sophomore year videos and projects can also be included
    3. My future career is not to be in the film making career or an artist.

  24. 1. No, I dont really have a portfolio.
    2. I know I have some videos I could put in but Im not sure how many of what else I could.
    3. I am a student of Saratoga High School who joined the Media Arts Program in 10th grade. It was then that I became more interested in media arts and particularly film making. Soccer is my passion and I hope to play in college and even professionally.

  25. 1. Yes, I have a rough draft but it needs some work.
    2. I have a few projects from this year and last year that I could use in the portfolio. I have the be the change project from last year, the documentary, animation of ww1 from sophomore year.
    3. In filmmaking, i enjoy editing and producing projects of all types. I like collaborating with other people and making successful projects through hard work and dedication. I have gathered skills on many different programs in media arts and filmmaking. But my future is not in media but rather business.

  26. 3. My name is Madeline, and I have been studying media arts and filmmaking for three years at Saratoga High School. I am specifically interested in the area of cinematography, and have enjoyed being able to use a camera to tell a story in projects such as documentaries, fictional narratives, and investigative journalism pieces. I genuinely enjoy working with people towards a common goal, and am currently planning on creating even more film projects. I hope that I will be able to further my education in filmmaking in the future.

  27. 1. yes I have made and submitted a film resume that has given me a job at Stanford.
    2. I would like to use three of my films, the storyboard for the Constitutional Music Video and the video game I have been working on in game design.
    3. I am currently brain dead and I will post this assignment at a later date

  28. 1. Yes, I have a resume.
    2. I have a few animations that I can use for my portfolio from this year and last year. I also have paintings from last year in art and drawings that I have done on my own. I have also made and sold greeting cards.
    3. I am an artist and animator who aims to create work that can affect people on an emotional level. I am taking a computer science class next year in order to gain experience in programming. My work this year varies from 3D modeling to frame by frame animation in photoshop. I hope that with these skills, I can work in the animation industry in the future.

  29. 1. No
    2. 2D Animations and a few films like the documentary and the American story film
    3. My name is Margo Pevar and i am a student from Saratoga High. I enjoy film making and animation and is very experienced. I love it when a group of people come together to execute a good idea and make something enjoyable for anyone who sees the project. With my experience in filming and animation, i love art and i paint and draw.

  30. 1. Yes but it could use some updating.
    2. I would like to put my two latest projects in there maybe some pictures or paintings I made and a cool animation from last year.
    3. I am a Student in the MAP program at Saratoga. My name is Addison, and I like to create cool videos and possibly in the game of video game fields I would enjoy. I love creating fictional things, but I can also create nonfiction. I can use final cut, adobe flash, and After Effects.

  31. Not that I know of, the only thing that might qualify for a resume will be the one from the job interview unit from 10th grade.

    Well, I would think that basically all the work I have done this year in filmmaking would be qualified to go into my film portfolio, the best ones include: Truffle Commercial, Detroit Documentary and the newest one: Music to my Ears.

    My name is Parsa Moein and I am a junior in Saratoga High School. I am very interested in the field of history and hope to one day become a history teacher or professor at a good high school or college. Although History is my passion, I also really enjoy working with media, this influenced me to join the Media Arts Program in my freshman year. I enjoy to edit, act and sometimes direct films/documentaries. In my free time I am usually on my computer playing pc games with my friends, though I would like to learn how to create a video game, I already have better priorities.

  32. 1)No, but i would really like to make one, and i can clearly see how it would help me.
    2) I could use most of the things i made in MAP, because most of them are very strong projects. but i could also use a project that Trung and i are making
    3) I am interested in working with app development and software engineering while still working on the side. But i have not in my life worked with app development, but it is an interest that i have on the side.

    1. 3) I am also working hard on trying to learn how to develop apps by looking up tutorials on youtube and i also downloaded Xcode to start programming

  33. 1. Yes, I have a resume
    2. I could use some animations and blender for portfolio. I also have some drawings.
    3. I am an animator who want to tell stories by visualizing, not the dialogue. In animation this year, I enjoyed creating first 3D animation and rotoscoping in my life. I also enjoyed working in group to help each other.I want to learn more about visualizing better to tell story better. I want to improve my skill by creating more animations and practice.

  34. 1. No, I do not.
    2. I would really like to include my "Follow the Leader" project from MAP10, and my documentary and American story film from this year as well. I plan to maybe create a film this summer that could really benefit me for film school. It may be useful for me to include some shot sheets or some of my screenwriting work as well.
    3. I come from a family of teachers and coaches and have been interested in the film industry since I set foot in the MAP room. I enjoy basketball, reading, and writing but I want to get into a film school and pursue my career in southern California where there are massive amounts of opportunities. I am extremely passionate about the film industry and am leading towards screenwriting, but am not sure yet. All I really know is that my passion lies in media arts and I cannot see myself doing much else.

  35. 1) I have a resume for water polo but not for media purposes.

    2) I think I could use the Ordentlich and vietnam films we just finished, possibly my documentary and "Follow the leader" film from last year.

    3) I have been involved in media arts electives since middle school, and always enjoyed creating films and other forms of media. I like working in group settings and helping to lead others through projects. I also enjoy editing, and have experience in Adobe Premiere Elements, iMovie, Final Cut Pro and Final Cut Express, as well as After Effects and limited experience in Photoshop.


  36. 1. Yes, we made one last year in Media Arts.
    2. Our Documentary, Constitution Music Video (After Effects), WWI Air War Interactive Animation, Follow the Leader Film, and our Yeast Spray Commercial. They are a mix of animations and videos.
    3. I don't foresee a future for myself in film. Possibly media related to sports, but most likely not film.

  37. 1. Yes I have a resume, a coding Github portfolio, and a film and animation youtube portfolio.
    Golden Rod Project--digitalize paper book insurance system
    Cold War Project--a strategy game
    Poverty in America--a project that uses a website to highlight pressing social issues and present documentaries
    An android prototype for a data collecting application
    Smartsite-a self sorting resume builder
    Constitution project-After Effects development

    3. Apple , Facebook, and Google have all used practical application of modern technologies to revolutionize industries. Each of the companies did not come up with original product ideas, they just made new technologies accessible to the general public by making these technologies add to life convenience rather than difficulties. Throughout my very much existent extra-curricular high school career, I have searched for ways to apply the things I learn like programming and animation to make otherwise complex and hard to understand processes a convenience. With applications like the Golden Rod and SmartSite, I have been able to demonstrate such a passion and ability.

  38. 1.) No, I don't have a resume.
    2.) Freshman year Flash animation, Junior year Photoshop rotoscoping, Sophomore Year WWII Difficult Choices Animation, Junior Year Blender Models
    3.) Although I am not interested in pursuing animation or the arts in college, I enjoy using Flash and Photoshop to create animations as a hobby. In terms of experience, I have done many different forms of animation. I have done frame by frame animation in both Photoshop and Flash, and I have also had the experience of rotoscoping in Flash. I have also worked on 3D animation in blender, creating models and then making those models perform a simple animation. Final Cut is another one of my strengths; I have experience in editing films, documentaries, and commercials.

    2.I have all my projects from this year and maybe a couple from last year.
    3.I do not really want to go to college so this doesn't really appeal to me

  40. 1. nope
    2. Rotoscope project, i have a bunch from freshman year animation like the leaf falling animation and a couple walk cycles, there are some last year like the difficult choices animation, a stop motion from this year, and i also have some ceramics projects that i might be able add.
    3. My goal as an artist is to gain more experience in various types of programs that could help me to become a talented animator. I would love to get the chance to be able to do more unique animations that could show all of my potential. I may not be the most talented artist, but i still have a pretty good grasp on being able to create cool stuff on photoshop or flash.

  41. 1. Yes, I have a resume that includes extracurriculars and accomplishments throughout high school.
    2. Wild West Infographic, Nazi Interactive Animation, Follow the Leader film; they constitute a mix of images, animations, and films.
    3. Many of my finished projects are not exactly "finished" in that I have not put in the extra time and effort to make them achieve the level of artistic appeal that I my original idea consisted of, as I have prioritized sports and other extracurriculars over media arts projects. However, I believe that what my projects lack in consistent, cohesive excellence is made up for in the couple of stellar aspects or parts in each project; I believe these few characteristics speak to the skills and artistic vision I have, that could be applied in a more complete sense with more time and less other priorities.
