Friday, 17 January 2014

Week Jan 20th


  • Discussion of preliminary script
  • Interviews
  • Group Worksheet-goals, tasks, accomplishments
  • Rubric-Script detail 
  • Review milestones for project-Scripts due week of 1/27 staggered, based on interview progress
  • Discuss Mrs. Ritchie script review process

Blog Response for Tuesday:

You will write a preliminary script this week, with a final script for submission to Mrs. Ritchie beginning the following week. What do you think are the key components you already know must go in your script. List as many as you can. Work in groups. Submit 1 blog response for your entire group. 

Please download and fill this form out at the beginning and end of class, hand in a printed document at the end of class that outlines your goals, responsibility and achievements for the day.


  1. • Intro/Hook describing desired b-roll
    • Introduce Issue
    •Transition back and forth from interviews
    • Statistics
    • Case Study
    • Cause-Now-Future
    • What can you do?
    Leave on optimistic note

  2. We will need our animations from stats. We will need our interview finished. We need to also take b-roll of the interviewees (probably around the institute, the people at work, classes).

  3. 1) Statistics
    2) B-roll
    3) Interviews
    4) How can they help
    5) Intro/Conclusion

  4. Intro with statistics (animations maybe)
    B-roll with interview audio in the background
    Transitions between Statistics and interviews
    More interviews
    Ending: Statistic, then, B-roll and voice over about food stamps and how we need to focus more on them.
    Maddie Bowker Blake Propach Mihir Samdarshi

  5. We need a captivating hook, solid interviews, linking the points back to the issue with a narrator, making sure we have a clear message, good and relevant B-Roll, deep interviews

  6. We will start off with dynamic pictures of the ruins of detroit, with voice overs/interviews describing the current condition of the city. We will use google street view with old photos to compare and contrast the old city and the new city. Then the second segment will be the history of Detroit and how it got to it's current situation. The final segment, which will be also supported by interview responses and voice overs will tie in both sections, to talk about the future of detroit and other cities facing the same fate.

  7. 1. B-Roll
    2. Schedule Interviews
    3. Statistics
    4. Hook
    5. Intro/Conclusion
    6. Call to action

    Sam J, Shayan M, Yash M.

  8. We need to pick out the strongest of our interview answers, strong b-roll, something to draw viewers in, make sure that we have a story that flows together well, and ideas for background audio that wont clash with the interviews.

  9. Intro with gilded age history (pictures/info of wealth gap back then), intro of interviews with comparisons with wealthier and poorer students (question: whats your biggest problem in life?). B-roll of wealthy and poor neighborhoods, statistics, various interviews. Narration/voiceover over b-roll showing poverty/wealth gap.

    Madison Leigh Gress, Samie Michelle Davey, Evan Alexander Lindeman, Tay Tay James Thompson
